Pursuing a Passion

I didn’t go to art school, but my art is not a conscious effort. I just show up in the studio and see what I have going on inside me transferring out onto a canvas. I feel like I’m currently reinventing myself again and my art is a reflection of who I am. I’ve been an artist yesterday, today and will be forever, and my art changes depending on what I’m doing and how I’m feeling.

I have delved into fashion design, taken a course in pattern making, designed and made gowns and dresses for customers. I have worked in graphic design, website design, sales and marketing. I have even run my own business and hosted huge exhibitions for with over 5000 visitors a day, whist always exploring my art on the side. Event management is not for the faint-hearted and although I’m glad I did it, and super proud of what I achieved and experienced at the time, I’m also happy I no longer have those stress levels to contend with now. I believe all these micro steps take us to where we want to be. In my heart I knew I wanted to come back home to discover what I really wanted to do. Feeling and knowing that lead me to pursuing this passion for art full-time.

I am very intuitive and have a trust that things will just work out. I trust that it will just be fine, whatever I set my mind to. Moving into new realms is a constant learning curve. I create what I love and this process of showing up and just doing it takes courage and helps me become who I value. Integrating all my experiences and what I have lived through onto the canvas, expressing who I am, what I feel and what I am moved by. I love reinventing myself and often don’t even know I’m doing it.

Currently I am exploring form and grace through careful brushwork, elegant lines and occasional bold sweeps of the palette knife. My process involves focusing on the interplay of light, colour and texture, revealing details and then replacing them with calm, strong colour, muted tones and softer glazes. Who knows where this journey will take me…but I’m enjoying the ride and hope you will follow me along the way.

Thank you for taking the time to read more about me and I hope you enjoy following my journey.


Wabi Sabi (侘寂) - accepting imperfection