Charmaine Boyle

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‘The Secret Garden’

My approach for this challenging piece required me to work in layers.

Having such a large canvas to work on (100cm x 100cm), I decided to work from top to bottom, painting in the base tones first to get all the main details in place. With so many leaves, stems and twigs, I chose to focus on creating definition through highlights and tonal variations rather than precise details.

Using Raw Umber thinned down, I returned to add in a glaze on the upper background to darken the area behind the leaves and create a deeper shadow effect. I then loosely worked across the leaves once more and painted in the berries using Michael Harding’s Deep Purple (Dioxazine), Indigo Blue and Warm White. The main colours used for the leaves were Alizarin Crimson, Indian Yellow Red Shade, Alizarin Claret, Transparent Oxide Red, Cadmium Red Light and Warm White.

Working on the second layer, I roughly dragged a palette knife over areas of the brickwork and wall to create texture and the illusion of aged stonework, cracked cement and exposed old paint. Finally I added a coat of Varnish which enhanced all the colours and added a beautiful lustre to the overall piece.

This painting too over 100 hours to complete and I’m honestly so proud of it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.